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Sunday, March 3, 2019

letter 2

August 14, 2017
 The students Gonpasingma Lower Secondary School, Pemagatshel,
Eastern Bhutan,
Dear Students,
 It gives me unspeakable joy to inform you that I have been granted a privilege to write you a letter by your teacher Lopen Nima Zangpo, who was my student at Nangkor Central School. I must thank you for being the inspiring lamps to me as well as Lopen Nima. My experience with the students of Bhutan, Bhutanese parents, Bhutanese Education and the Himalayan Kingdom at large is so vast that I am in a dilemma as to which area I should focus on in my letter. Well, let me write about the beauties and strengths of your country which I consider a necessary part of your education in order to strengthen your patriotism, a strong spirit of love and devotion for the Tsa-Wa-Sum (the King, Country and People). Your country is rightly called as the last Shangri-la (heaven on the earth). By virtue of my twenty seven years of service as a teacher in the kingdom I experienced and enjoyed numerous beauties and benefits that the Himalayan kingdom bestows upon on all living beings. For nourishment of your tender minds and thoughts, I mention a few of them: The greatest bliss and wealth of Bhutan that I enjoyed and admire is her pristine Nature and pollution free atmosphere. To me, protection and promotion policy of the Nature is the greatest pillar of the nation’s peace, prosperity and harmony. Nature is the greatest boon to human beings. In this matter the rest of the world needs to learn from Bhutan. According to American Naturalist John Burroughs, Nature is the greatest of all resources. Second, you are offered the advantage of free education and free health services by the Royal Government which is rare in the rest of the modern world. I thank the Government for providing free education to my son up to Class X though we are foreigners. Third, your Driglamnamzha (Discipline) education is another strong pillar of the nation which must be nurtured and promoted by you. Because the peace and prosperity of a country to a great extent depends upon how disciplined are her people. The Driglamamzha classes is a great training for your character building which makes every Bhtanese super fit in every nook and corner of the world. Fourth, your education quality is one of the finest in the world. You should be proud of it. I am happy that my son could enjoy the fruits of your lovely education. Fifth, life in Bhutan is so safe and secure that in 1998 when a student at Nangkor Central School had asked Madam Tessa Goldsmith, DRT, the visiting official, “Madam, do you think our Bhutan one day will become developed like your England?” Shuddered at the student’s thought, the British lady pitied, “Dear children! I do not want your peaceful and beautiful country to become like our England. Your country is far better than my country. We have everything in England, but lack peace and safety of life which is guaranteed in Bhutan. In spite of being a lady, as the DRT when I walk all alone for days through the forests from Pemagatshel town to Mikuri to visit the schools I move with full self- assurance of safety and security.” Sixth, Bhutanese hospitality and friendliness is unparalleled with that of the rest of the world. It is mainly for this reason, every home in Bhutan was my own home and every family my own. Bhutanese love made me forget that I was a foreigner. Dear children, as my list of good things about your country stands endless, I want to finish abruptly. In a nutshell I want to say everything in your country is wonderful. So you must be worthy citizen of this great nation. Preserve and promote your culture and identity. Although there are beautiful things to learn from other nations, do not imitate others blindly. Be always proud of your country and culture. Do not expect everything from the Government. Be happy and grateful for what you receive. Late President of America, John Kennedy said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” That’s all for today. My prayer and best wishes for your health, happiness and prosperity. May God provide you strength and guidance at every step of your life! God loves you, and so do I. Palden Drukpa Gyalo!

Yours sincerely, Santosh Chowdhury Ex-teacher
Royal Govt. Of Bhutan

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