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Sunday, March 3, 2019

letter 3


                                                                                                                                                           October 11, 2016

Dear students,

I am honoured, happy and privileged to write this letter to you from Nangkor as asked by  your teacher Nima Zangpo. In fact, I felt humbled when Nima asked me to write a letter sharing my achievements, experiences and thoughts on life. I told him that, there is nothing I have ever achieved in life to write about but, if it is alright with him, I can definitely share my experiences and thoughts on life from my perspectives. He obliged but, it took me quite some time to write to you because of my commitments elsewhere.

Well, let me first tell you something about your teacher Nima. While I do not know him intimately, he was a school mate of all my three children and my eldest son knows him very well. Dear students, I must tell you that you are lucky to have a brilliant teacher in Nima. I say this because; he was one of the brightest students in his class certain to make it to ex-country professional scholarship. Unfortunately, he fell ill for a long time and had to settle for an in-country course. I am glad he chose to be a teacher as there is no nobler profession than teaching.  The fact that, he has asked someone outside education to write to you is an indication on how innovative he is to reinvigorate your mind with something different from the never ending rote learning that you have to undergo.

Now, let me tell you something about me. I am a part farmer and a part aspiring writer. I live in Nangkor village. After a stint in government service, I chose to explore life outside civil service. I last worked as Eastern Bhutan Correspondent for the first bi-lingual private newspaper Bhutan Observer for over eight years. I was invited to join Bhutan Observer head office when it became paperless. I declined and chose to live on my farm.

Following my resignation, I got offer to work for at least two other newspapers and a private company but, as of now I find satisfaction working on my farm. At a time, when our country is faced with the daunting task of dealing with rural-urban migration, I feel that, I can contribute to this fight by remaining back and showing others on how satisfying and worthwhile it is to live on our own farms rather than chasing that elusive dreams and expectations of city life. Today, it gives me immense pleasure and satisfaction of being a farmer working on my field during the day time and pursuing my passion of reading and writing in the night.

Dear students, I want to tell you one thing that, life is becoming tougher with each passing year. Competition is stiff and it is good. Competitions bring the best out of you. Honestly, not everyone will be cut out to be excellent academically, but remember, each one of you as unique individuals have distinct talents to be realized. Pursue that with passion and you will succeed in life.

 As for now, study zealously and genuinely. Give your best, and success will be yours in the end. In case success eludes you, you will still have the satisfaction in knowing that at least you have given your best. That feeling is more important than success itself in the end as we all have limitations in us. But, what is more important is being a good and responsible human being. Listen to your teachers and follow their footsteps by making immense sacrifices for what is noble and good and you will never be wrong in life.

My letter is already getting lengthy without really knowing whether I am making any sense. Before I bore you let me conclude by wishing you my best wishes and greetings. Study, learn, explore and enjoy your life because this is going to be the best part of your life.

With warmest regards.

Gyembo Namgyal

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