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Sunday, March 3, 2019

 My Tribute to Gyalsey JigmeNamgyal Wangchuk
“Tendril zang song tendrel zang, Gyalsey thrung wa tendril zang…” kept playing on the national radio channel, the Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS) for most part of February 2016. It was an instant hit and it warmed the hearts of every Bhutanese on cold days of February as it marked the arrival of the predestined great son who will one day ascend the golden throne of this great country and usher in greater joy to the people.
Many shed tears of joy when our beloved king announced earlier to the nation that, he was expecting a son, who would become the future king of Bhutan.  It was a historic announcement for the nation and a moment for the nation to immerse in celebration knowing that the continuity of the benevolent Wangchuck dynasty-synonymous with compassion and progress is ensured.
The year 2016 was historically an auspicious year for Bhutan. It marked the four hundredth year of the arrival of the great Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, the unifier of Bhutan and also coincided with the birth year of Guru Rimpochey. The birth of His Royal Highness, the Gyalsey on February 5, 2016 thus embodies ominous signs of a great being that he will be in future. In his birth, the future of the nation is safe and secure. 
The birth of the precious Gyalsey was followed by the auspicious naming ceremony coinciding with the important spiritual event of Zhabdrung Kuchoe at Pungthang Dewachenpoi dzong on April 16, 2016. From the sacred Machey, His Royal Highness, the Gyalsey was named Jigme Namgyal Wangchuck.
It was a historical name that caught the attention of the nation as Desi Jigme Namgyal was not only the last Druk Desi of Bhutan but his leadership prowess was instrumental in the establishment of monarchy of Wangchuck dynasty in Bhutan. Thus, the nation not only celebrate the achievement and contribution of Desi Jigme Namgyal but, look forward to a leader who would lead the country and its people to a new era of progress and happiness.
Of the many events organized to mark the joyous occasion of his birth, I have witnessed a befitting and far reaching Tendrel, of planting a Guinness world record of 108,000 saplings.  The mass plantation is a sign of Bhutan’s commitment to remain green that will ensure its status as a carbon negative country despite development activities taking place everywhere.
The prince would be the ultimate champion of GNH to the outside world. As a Bodhisattva king, he would emphasize on Bhutan’s commitment to always place the values of GNH at the centre of Bhutan’s development philosophy which would continue to be the best gift of Bhutan to our humanity.  The essences of GNH philosophy will continue expand and become the widely accepted development paradigm for the global citizens. This gift will be the lasting gift from our prince to the world which will redefine the meaning of life in the 21st century.  Bhutan, under the enlightened leadership of the Gyalsey will lead the world in exhibiting that the values of GNH is more important than the GDP as the Great 4thking, his grandfather stated to the world.
Like all the successive kings, the Gyalsey will steer the nation to a greater height, exceeding the aspirations of the people.   The country will witness the greater scale of development in terms of mental wellbeing, preserving culture and religion practice apart from tangible development.  The nation will also experience the most vibrant democracy, the model of which traditional democracies will strive to evolve. Bhutan will no doubt be looked up to by the global community for its rich environment, absence of corruption and for being the happiest nation on the earth.
The Gyalsey’s arrival also signals the continued peace and prosperity and hope for the future of the children. We talk about next generation and his coming was the answer to a brighter future. The prince will be guiding star for next hundred years of ruling monarchy, development and the symbol of the constitution of Bhutan.  Bhutan shall complete another century talking about the story of peace and happiness to the outside world.
To me, Gyalsey is like a morning sun to the world. His compassionate rays would make Bhutan a beautiful place to live in with rich cultural settings and spiritual practices for people. I am confident that our Gyalsey will be the great Dharma king who would live on the values of Boddisatavas, offering great help to the world in times of turmoil and confusion. All being on the earth will bow at his lotus feet and the nation shall be in great harmony. The people would still continue singing “JOENPALEKSO and TRASHI LABAY” in the air of roaring Dragons and dancing Drukpas.
To sum up, it was the collective fortune and prayer that we see the three successive generations of our beloved kings. Personally I pay my unwavering loyalty, trust, prayer and the gratitude to my all kings for giving me the blood and soil to nourish my souls in the land of Shangri-La.
Pelden Drukpa Gyaloo! Long live our beloved Gyalsey!
From lock and key diary

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