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Friday, September 30, 2016

          My altar

                       It is my  place of joy; when I look at you.
                      I don’t want like others,  object of desire but veneration
                        As I could afford for, I get the greatest satisfaction from you,
                      I see my guru’s image, which will speak me a word one day,
                                 I see Lord Buddha sitting in a meditative posture,
                                   Reminding me art of calming the mind;
                                     Seven shinny containers lined up for water offerings,
                                              A wealth  I could afford for,
                                            No grasping sense and total exhaustion to ordinary dramas, 
                                       The flower stands in Center of you,
                                         The whole of space and image are blessed with universal messages,
                               I love and love you altar,
                         My wealth of world !
                             Timely thirsty rats seeks the place to shower on you. 

                      Nima Kuendrel
                        From lock and key diaries

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Useless complaining game
This morning wasn’t a good morning for me as usual because I was pinched by some unfamiliar complains. Usually I receive complains from my students telling “Sir kho gi drang Jimmay la”( beating or getting bullied by him) someone has snatched the belongings.
Hope you will not rate me being too judgmental here.
To my surprise today’s complainer was my colleague lady teacher. I was complained on keeping my sets of paints and brushes on her table. (Used for writing banners) . The reason for her complains was on two backgrounds; one for using table and another was for spilling the colours on it. Yes, you are right to complain me thousands but your sweets rappers that I pick occasionally seems to deserve you too from me. However your complains are too cheap because it wasn’t worth listening, some complains are the creams of thoughts.
The first dialogue from her was that when I had the passion to paint, why didn’t have courtesy to clean it. I was lost to her but at least I never fail to say sorry to her for my act. Further I asked anything that you need follow up from me. She said “No”. Already she had cleaned up the splits and was fine. I was confused studying the situations. It became like joker standing on stage to crack jokes but landing up laughing himself at his jokes. If I were a short tempered man, I think one blow is enough to make the situations worsen. But you know I won’t do (itching ego here)… it wasn’t my regrets though.
With this incident making of my day was broken completely.
I wonder at some pause complaining is a misused tools. Complain is rich in showing the ones so called “Attitude”. And whom by traits and genes that runs you.
It there is a prize distribution for complaining, you and I were worth deserving it because so far we are lost in looking for cheap complains. The fact is we have also wasted our life in complaining for no reasons. Don’t you agree with me?
Complains are like a common cold because it’s too viral in nature.
By the way I am also complaining for silly reasons. Thanks to my lady friend who made me to write this complains again.
Going by my complains again, in my little staff room, I hear common phrases like “ KHO DHI GANI YANG MEY SHEY BAY” I laughed for sometimes and conclude myself that it’s a daily chant for us." lets stop complaining for silly and small reasons"
Declarations: It is through my lenses and not to hurt anyone’s feeling. Yet mentioned earlier, it is for the love of playing with the alphabet. Nima kuendrel. From lock and key diaries.
My editing part is left for you.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Footballing  and readings                                                             Dated: 9th September.

On Saturday almost sun has made to the last horizon, however every similes from little children radiates Gonpasingma Football ground because they had a match between class six boys and seven a boys. After the win mixed team from classes four and five were planned to play.
Little I get afraid looking to players as they would be wilting on Monday because of heavy playing and exercising though fun for them.

I see powers in football. It can change us to all the designs of your heart that you were waiting and looking forth to become. Football is not simply kicking and winning the match. It has a value like respect, attitude, team spirit, cooperation even the discipline. So why don’t we nurture it?

Quit often out of love for football children spent and invest all their leisure time in footballing. It was good that children play but I would urge them not to go for heavy play because on Sunday they play excessively and sleep in the class. They were unable to concentrate on lesson because of tired muscles. And add boredom to the class.
Principal Sir and I watched the final match.  While watching we shared our ordinary talks- we touched on the reading habits. I said that if they could spent time in reading like playing, they could do better in their lives. Sir was talking about his friends who always used to read and topped whole Bhutan. In the mean time I was lost in little further reflections, why can’t be readers like them.
After a pause, I also shared about my online writing program on requesting the prominent figures to write. I said I would be sharing their write ups with my students. I hope principal must be happy to hear that ideas.
The matches were arranged by the class captions when they were exchanging letters. It was a very moving event for me because I saw all the class members were their sharing good times by sipping the juice. 
The day was a satisfying day for them because they played the match and won the match said by one of the participants.

Until next Saturday comes I shall see the ground never radiating on ordinary days.

Who should be disciplining, Food or stomach?

 Discipline is a boring term that I hear often. May be you too won’t like the idea of discipline.  Sometime it is superimposing and the ruthless training that one has to face- it doesn’t smell nice to one who underwent in bitter phrases of life in name and trait of discipline. However there are many benefits and credits in undergoing the path of discipline as said by all.  

Have you ever thought of asking yourself the questions on discipline? Before we conclude with the common phrase, “ Aney Aloo Dhi Drik Minduu”( lacks discipline in him or her).  What really a “discipline” means?ask your self. Common practices in schools are if some children exhibit uncommon behavior, we keep aside the questions of who they are, directly concludes that he or she is not practicing disciplined well at home or simply mention on parents characters.

what is the  measure of your good discipline ever you have exhibited so far? You may reflect on it.  I too reflected on it.

 In the name of disciplining the children we often feed our ego to defame or demerit the children. If you really want of your children in taking up the discipline themselves- one methods can be like simply look at the processes and practices you do for your children at home; we can’t let them put our mask and dance as per our previously learnt steps- rather why don’t we let them realize the steps and find their musk that suits them; 

 It is not easy to discipline someone easily. But it is more than not easy to discipline self. Therefore, before we conclude the phrases with “Drik mindhu” let’s check our three doors- speech, body and mind. So that we see “Drik” in them.

Disclaimer: This is written not to demean or defame anyone. It is solely for feeding my passions for writing.

Nima kuendrel

From lock and key diaries

Dated: 12th September




Reducing food waste                                                                               12th,September

Generally speaking, food waste is a major problem that every day we are facing it. But people take it as neglected habitual patterns because some people haven't experienced it yet. Although people are little aware that some parts of the world are starving every day and finding hard to put a single particle of food in their mouth. To those who are facing the situation what can people do at their best? By looking at the way people waste the food is a matter of questioning ones attitude towards the food. The irony is people do waste a lot of food after having known the scarcity of the food.
Certainly more people wanted to waste food by misusing and mistreating the food. For various reason people buy food items and let it get decayed. The rate of consumption is more because people waste more and people look for more food items. The result from throwing away a food brings a larger impact of food waste to the world.
Despite the increased availability of healthy food and our greater knowledge of what makes a healthier diet, people are still looking for easy fast foods. The dietary habits that people practice need to get change, because more food waste is from consuming the similar food items. If we look at the Bhutanese way of habits in preparing curry, Emadatsi (chilies) or Kewadatsi (potatoes) is must. We end getting fed up with same curry. Well prepared curry is put in the dustbin and what thought do people put after that? This may be attributable to the food shortage and major food waste in Bhutan.
It is certainly true that food shortage comes from food waste. Everybody is talking about the climate change and getting prepared for it. Simplest and easiest way that we could do is reducing the food waste. If we control the food waste it is going to address the changing climate and of agriculture practices. As a result food supply will be sufficient for all the people.
Why do we have to concern when there are food waste?  There is evidence to suggest that going by the current consumption of food in some developed countries, they do consume double and triple the amounts that developing and poor countries consumes. As a result food waste becoming the major issues and affects the poorer countries and developing nations.
What can we do as an individual to reduce food waste?  As an individual we should know the right amount of food one can eat, eating should be meant for ones living. If we eat and live well by the power of food, we should be rejoicing at the energy that food give to us. Eat what you want to eat not what other does eat. Food waste can be reduced until and unless we change the attitude towards the food, we should be respecting the single particles of food.
In addition we simply don’t waste food, food wrappers and plastics are major problem for us, and how do we manage this in name of food waste.  People often waste food to satisfy their greed. People have the habits of keeping the provisions for the next month, year, winter or summer. In keeping those food provisions it results in more food waste.
Indeed, food shortage can be preventable in multiple ways. One way could be adopting the “emptying the plates policy”. If people throw away particles of food today and similar on tomorrow, it is going to piles up like a mountain.
Perhaps people talk about impacting globally, so they should work out from the local roots like practicing the best possible ways of food matters. Managing food waste is a lifelong lesson everybody should know because food is a basic need for survival. People should look for sustaining the food supplies too.
Are we aware of the food waste so far? In our traditions, we have a saying that if we don’t care food, one day food is going to leave us. In this old saying tradition there is a strong message in it. We have to keep the certain discipline in heart. Sit properly and chew the food and never fail to enjoy every bit. Eat differently and differing food items. Eat for the healthy mind and body. And remember the struggles that one takes to grow the single food particles in the world.
To sum up reducing food waste is a challenge but if people really want to accept the problem and do their best to reduce food waste people can do it by simply sitting and eating well what is placed on the plate. If there is no waste no food problem will ever come to being. So shall the world would be sufficient to feed all the hungers and hunters.
Before people throw away a single particles of food people need to think thousand times.
Nyima Kuendrel
From Lock and Key diary.