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Sunday, September 15, 2019

students articles

Chilli in Everyday life

Chilli has become a basic necessity in cooking commodities. A vegetable garden without chili plant is regrettable for growers. Chilli offers different colors- green, white and red in but seeds are all similar.

In my observation, I have never seen a cuisine without chillies. A diet without emadatshi is incomplete dish in all the gathering. 
I walked along the world I saw chili everywhere and the peoples are rushing so much for it.  

In a class, Chilli eating-chilli eating rhymes over takes other songs. Everyone knows the Rhymes very well because it tells the story of eating chillies and its consequences. 
In scouting class, I learnt a dance on Druk Gi Emadatshi, Druk Gi gave me a lasting impression on eating chillies and the pride of loving Chillies.

The chilli is small in size but when we are eating chilies it seems to be stronger than the size. when we stay near the fire we feel the warmth but when  we eat chilli tears fall from our eyes and like  burning sensation in our mouth.
I still have few questions on chillies. Why Chilli is hot, why Chili is colourful. Why Chilli is Small.
Why Bhutanese love eating Chilli.

 The chili is everywhere and people are valuing it so much. In a shop, chilli hit the market and chili growers fetch a good price.
The demand fro chili is increasing and there seems to be very less farmers who were keen in growing chili. In a coming days, if there are less farmers the price for the chili will be expensive.

Coming of the cold season marks with drying chilies on the roof. chilli is a staple diet for winter food. Every one likes eating emadatsi, ezzay and chilli powder.

Tshering Zangmo

Class: VIII

  My Educational Journey   

  My schooling days started after my parents have known the real meaning of Education. As an innocent soul, I was sent to Kherigonpa Primary School.  
 The school is suited above road point and I still remember the roaring trucks. I woke up before the sun rays touch the mountains.  I went to school with my new uniform, shoes and bag. It gave me a pride of being a student. It was a starting point of my education, who introduced me to the world of learning. 

In 2016, I studied at Pema Gatshel Middle Secondary School. I was a day scholar. I was once again introduced to a new place. There was none, I knew well. I also remember trying hard to spell over the word Orange.I had the tiring journey on foots from Shomarthung to Pemagatshel School. It was a little hardship I faced in my life. It was difficult to adjust between study and play. I got very little time to play.In 2017, I came here at Gonpasingma Lower Secondary School as a border. The school was quite near my village. 

The school is very rich in giving me the lifelong lessons in life. I know my teachers and they are very good to me. They shared me the knowledge and life skills that would serve me in future. I have lots of friends who are ever ready to help me at any cost of life. 

Finally, I value my education as my parents did. It is like an eye which sees the different world. Again I would like to thank  all of my teachers for teaching me the values of life.
kelzang Wangmo 
class: VIII


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