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Friday, September 27, 2019

Dear class 8 “A”

My greetings to all you


I am writing to share few words with you. I hope you will spare me few minutes to listen to my words.

In this letter I am going to share few of my understandings and observations in your class through my lens of Journal writing.

“Senses journal” is true to my consciousness and if I am wrong tell me, point out positively to my knowledge!

I see …your glittering eyes like stars shining with an anticipation to make the world better. But the way you think of yourself may be wrong. You will take a wrong path in life. Always do understand the differences among you all and respect it.

I see…..many of you were hardworking, smart and kind, that’s the beauty in your class. It is the assets of your class; take care and take daily inspiration from them. You don’t have to look other great people to haunt for inspirations, just look at your shoulder partner. He or she is worthy enough to ignite your minds.

I see…there stands few Chortens and one Mani Dungkhor surrounding your school. Please do regular circumambulating because your brother, sister, old parents, did it before and received blessings from it. Look at the altar inside your Class, it is dusted and the portraits of great beings are left unattended. If you were offering the water in the early morning in your altar, please make sure do it with cleanliness and with good intentions. Offer only the clean and fresh water.

I feel…..You should respect the national flag, Prayer flags along the Bridge and the Jampelyang Phodrang, because some of you tend to forget those signs and symbols erected before your eyes with significance. If you respect you will be gaining the good merits as you wished for. Respect and do value the food you eat in the hostel. It is energy for you to nature your brain and the heart. I feel some mistreat it regularly.

I smell…few of your class member doesn’t care and respect to the mates because I found some of the students butt were rotten, and openly releases the unpleasant gas with forceful sound to make it more pathetic.

I feel…..few of your class boys and girls need to rethink on the way you were growing up. Some of you are trying to grow up before the age. Some were still in a stage where you think like the toddler. You were expected to know what is good and bad by this age!

I feel..... Some of you are not interested in studying because you are not participating in the class discussion and activity. Please take up the learning as lifelong habits because it is a single life opportunity. Treat the classroom as you have set the visions and missions. Never think you are smarter than the teachers, it is completely a wrong habits in your thinking because it’s going to ruin the life of yours. Respect your class teacher, because he is like your father who is their for you to say “my good boy and my good girl” like in a family. He will never fail you to care you in the need of his love and kindness.

I hear….. unpleasant news from your class stating that some boys are picking up the unhealthy habits like chewing or smoking , it is saddening story from your class to me at this point of being together. I hope you will give away the habits early as possible.

I think…I was disheartened looking at some of the faces, because still you have forgotten to smile on Monday while observing the day as GNH day.

I think……you all have got many things to share with me. Please do write to me with your honest words.

Your sincerely

Unknown Teacher

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