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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Spritual Journey without a dream

 Three Days Krodakali Retreat at Rekhai Dewathang
It was a great blessing for the people of Rekhai and especially to the eastern part of Bhutan having selected the site for three day Krodakali retreat. Rimpochey himself came and made a holy presence to the practitioners which is a rarest case for the people like us.
  What should I write when it comes to the spiritual undertaking and understanding of my life-I don’t know? Having born in Buddhist Family and nation doesn't make you a good complete Buddhist practitioner in one’s life. Even after receiving many spiritual teachings and initiations it doesn't ensure you a humbled practitioner otherwise it simply stirs the idea of becoming a spiritually materialistic.

Tent for the practitioners- a night view

No questions to me. simply out of my writing passion, I am writing here for some justice to myself. I am not presenting my understanding of the teaching nor my realization- of course I don't have anything else.
Finding time to be in a state of Meditation- for me not really a meditation!

This time, I had a wonderful time participating in the retreat.The retreat was guided and blessed by Rimpochey Himself, it brought me a life long joy to become a real practitioners.

 The true essence of participating in the retreat is to stay away from the habitual patterns of life. For at least three days, I had a good time praying for my mother sentient beings under the direct guidance of Rimpochey.
   A great heart of sadness strike my heart- while contemplating for the three days retreat and sensibly  I could say it is a  Glimpse to an Enlightenment
People from all works of life,gathered in the mandala of the Krodalikali(Rekhai). When I reflect upon the reverberating  sounds of the Drum and trumpet, a longing joy was also silencing in my poor heart.
But remember I am not sharing my foolish realization or assumption as a participants. At first place, it was a humbling honour in my life to reach to such stage. My longing for it doesn't stop me from any kind of forecasting obstacles outercourse it was a tough game to materialize the things for get going for such endeavor. However, I found my time to reach there with the support from my family and love.

It was a good time for the personal transformation for all  to get away from your cocooned life. The stars may keep shining, the flower may keep growing and river may keep flowing but finding your own time and admiring the Buddha's Teaching may only lead you to the Buddhahood in the hard times  of ours.
However, If you ask me," Did you enlighten?"The answer is I don't know but I can say by getting into such business you can attain Buddha-hood.
The kindness of the Lama and the devotion of the disciples were only a weapon needed to attend for an inspiring retreat. Nothing is needed other than the love for Lama and teaching.
By this year it was for six time being held in the east, such noble act of pursuing the path of Dzogpachen is the brain child of Rimpochey himself to help the confused sentient beings.

Note: My only intention behind taking this struggle to write is to inspire my fellow readers for the cause of enlightenment. The retreat took place on 7th to 10th March,2019. May it be virtuous. 

Monday, March 4, 2019


Remembering the days at kichu
It is a heart touching moments to go with the passed days at kichu. Never known that the joys of being there could bring me humbling experiences, I visited there when I first came to paro with friends from my training at the college.
My days at college were extraordinary, because I have taken part in every opportunity that college has to provide. Besides the fulfilling days of studying I made time to visit kichu museum on Sundays.
Usually I go there with the wish to pray, but praying doesn’t happen as it is planned because I did help the Tsamapa in beautifying the surroundings.
The extraordinary place about kichu is it brings us back to our own world “what serenity” means to us when we are lost to the everyday activities.
All know that place was blessed by great minds, but disturbed mind like a dog that has lost his own destination I was simply wondering there of no cause of the good and bad actions.

It has been a goodtime for me to visit the place time and again. With my multiple visiting, there I was known by the care taker and given me a warm hopitality whenever I visit there.
I don’t know what the poet will say if they happen to visit there. I don’t know what the writers would write about it when the place and people are being too peace to start the work.
Many have the definitions of happiness- for me happiness is being in a dreamed place, where the spark for life starts to burn there. If I need to consider and confront the name of heaven; I would point to the Kichu and say; “it’s my heaven”.
Often I struck in feelings like could there be another place that I can share the songs of heart out of joys. May or may not be but I will never forget you. You will be the code of my DNA if it remains as we wished for.
Nima. November 28; the valley is busy with the harvest season and winter wind in play..
We were happy to be in the presence of Rinpochey. It was a radiating experience. Thanks Rinpochey for the photo.
Image courtesy, Adzom Gyalsay rinpochey, Tsampa pema,Penjor, kelzang and Rinzin.

My model in writing
 Neither  had the pleasure in others words
Nor I am great thinkers to stand my ideas
But I like writing for as I like football.
My writing is neither to the apex of Shakespeare
Nor to the lines of Santidevas

My village

Sunday, March 3, 2019

About Karma Sir

 HATS OFF! You took the challenge to write something in an age where fewer people opt to keep this dream alive. Any obstacle that you may encounter henceforth should not deter you from writing, for it will only get better with more practice.
My gossip with Karma Sir ( Did you mean to keep the title so informal and personal? Does it encapsulate the essence of the writing? Just a thought.)
 Rationale: Sometimes, it’s wonderful to reflect on what you have been doing and what you have done so far. Believing in the words and actions of him or her would give you only the strength to move further in life. I failed on several occasions!  I guess this would bridge the gap between a teacher and follower. For now I would like to write and take you through the world of Mr. Karma Wangchuk. I hope you may find something inspiring.
(I don’t know what to write about him in the first place, unless I read an inspiring poem or a page . Today, surprisingly I wrote about someone-omit) I have known him for just two years, and in this little time together I have known him as a man of modesty. Really he is the subject of interest to me, and you too may find him as a person of your kind if you encounter him.
Photo courtesy (TsheringP) near Gyemjangkhu temple, Paro.
I am scared sometimes that I may write wrong about him with my limited perception; however he never gets moved by either by praises or defamation. Therefore, neither do I expect anything from him nor would he consider this piece as my jumbling of ideas.
Of course, many may not know about him. He is just an ordinary man with good looking figure.  He rarely similes and never mistake him as being too serious being to you.  But in this ordinary man I have discovered 'extraordinary offerings' and 'wealth.'  This ordinary man is a shining icon of literature and arts. 
If you happen to be at Paro College, you may rarely notice his presence. He would be wearing faded clothes or walking lonely sometimes in great thinking.
He would be the early bird to catch up the morning glory. Mornings are special to him for he could see a bird or two. Every night, a poem is drafted and on the next day he would polish the poem. A chronic stomach ache bothers him, but he occasionally chants the mantra OM MANI PADMI HUNG to ease the situation.
(Following are the reasons why "What makes him so unique?")
Every society expects a man to get married, have children and happily settle down in life, but he is far removed from any of these. Rather he had found the lifelong desires to run his life in most unique ways.
I always appreciate him for the vast expanse of knowledge he possesses on everyday subject matters. When you ask him about the books that he has read so far he will just smile without any straight answers. For us number matters but for him, the contents and the words matter. Talking about likes and dislikes on books, he lays his hands on almost all kinds of books. He read an abridged English version of 'The Mahabharata' and other books of adventure during his school days. Nature and spirituality are other areas of his interest. Surprisingly, it seems that for him ideas are within a click of the head and heart.
Language is a problem for all of us. He suggested to me that I should read on the subject that interests me, and also immerse in some classical books once in a while.
Photo credit (I) Reading completes the story of the day for him, near college.
He is an active writer too. He writes very powerful poems and meaningful articles to suit the readers. He has many self-created arts and books ready for publication. Here, I will share his letter to my class six students. Dated: September 12th, 2016,

                                                                                                     September 12th, 2016

Dear Sonam,
  I hope you are doing fine.  Everything is good here with me.
           I want to say again that school is a wonderful place to be in. You are surrounded by friends who share your time being together and teachers who guide you throughout. The school offers you many beautiful gifts. One special gift is the joy of reading. I hope you have found this gift in the school. When you come home this winter I would love to hear your story of reading.
That is it for now. Your brother sends you his love.
With love,
Your dad Dorji

Note: I requested him to write a letter to my class six students. And they were happy to read and they have written a reply to him.
(Arts and music as an integral part of his being)

 In college, he is known as Drama Wangchuk to his colleagues and the student teachers. He engages students in drama workshops and role play, and enables them to realize the benefits of drama in both personal and professional life. Shakespeare is his most favorite playwright.

He is a self-taught, passionate and practicing artist.  He is also a food geek and a great cook. Everyday work is fun for him because creativity pays off.
Description: Description:
Photo credit (Nima) Trying out to see the magic of brushes and colors.
He has visited many wild places in Bhutan and a few in India. He knows the names of most birds and butterflies. He loves snakes too. He is quite a skillful photographer. He loves plants, and for a plant lover like him cutting down trees is unthinkable.
Description: Description:
Photo credit ( Nima). Looking for the long lost Birds and Butterflies in Lampelri.
(Teacher of wealth and wisdom)
He is a firm believer in the power of silence. Being silent enables him to create a space for contemplation and self-reflection. He doesn’t talk much, but given a situation he can speak in some Bhutanese dialects. If you happen to visit his home, you will be surprised to see that he doesn’t own a refrigerator or sofa set, of course affordable to somebody of his stature. His life is so simple and yet so unique. He is happy with what he has.  I consider him as the figure of all contentment because I see him leading a happy life.
Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description:
Photo credit (Nima) At lamperi Botanical Park.
(Conclusion: To sum up, this is a story of man, who is taking the life in its own flow. It is about a man who sings the freedom song like the enlighten beings. For me, it was a worth meeting him in my life. I don’t know how we came to sharing of such warm closeness, but meeting him was like finding some encyclopedic books. Being in his presence was like knowing who we are and his modesty is the unusual gift for all of us. And this man has been my wings of inspiration in reading, writing and learning the art of photography. Until, further I discover the truth of his living, your understanding of this man will remain as mystery!
Disclaimer: It's intended for my literary exploration and experiment.

I am amazed that you chose to write about me. It is a good move in the direction of becoming a writer of some kind. I am sure with rigorous practice your ideas will flow more smoothly and crystallize better. Keep writing!