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Friday, March 24, 2017

My Word In Seeing The Truth:

Endless Rays of Blessings From  Lord Jampelyang
Today along with rows of students I prayed “OM AAH RAPATSA NADHI” fervently to the Lord Jampelyang and it was an enlightening minutes to see the plants flowering. Spring welcoming the colors. Sun shining; wind blowing gently around the land. Mind is quite in the Spontaneous presence of my being.
For my past Schooling days, I don’t remember experiencing such joy from the School.However, my daily inspiration is outsourced from the guidance and blessings from lord Jampelyang.
Seeing the Pelyangphodrang standing majestically in School is enough to take me back to my learning story in the School.  It has been a nuxes of devotion I felt for after looking around the school corners and sizes of the rooms. More than a decade I have been praying to make some sense to my lord. Yet it was a big achievement I take from my schooling days from the Spiritual Point of view.  
Bhutanese children integrating the Varjanyana Buddhism is a very life time golden opportunity. Of course there the core of curriculum setting range from the foreign ideas to our tradition settings but chanting of the praise’s prayer to the Lord is quite unique story of our successful schoolings.
 Lord Jampelyang is guiding us every time. Our works in educating the heart and mind of students come from the wisdom minds of the Lord. Every sound, every word, is the very manifestations of the Lord Jampelyang. Such is the Blessings in the learning and understanding the World.
Recently, I screened the Documentary film by Khentse Norbu on “Finding Manjushree’ to my Class eight students in one of the classes. I downloaded the film from you- tube.
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The Story is about Lodro who struggles to meet the lord Manjushri in Person. Lodro is a Tibetan monk studying in one of the Temple in India. He is a bright as always want to prove the best out of best. Somewhere in his learning, he reads that people will meet Jetsen Jampelying in person if they visit to the mount WUTAISHEN.
Every day he dreams of reaching the mount WUTAISHEN and he keeps on asking permission from the lama to reach there. Upon his everyday wishes, lama grants him to go on pilgrimage to China.
Lodro, having journeyed on top of mount WUITASHAIN he couldn’t see the lord but totally defeats by the snowflakes and the rains. Sadly, he does not see the Lord. Upon his return from the China, he sees many dreams. The dream is very enough to knock the Presence of Lord Jampelyang everywhere. In one o dream he meets the precious Horse and reads the letter handed by one of the man in hostel that he had stayed. Excitedly he goes back to his monastery
 Apparently the lama in the Monastery that he has been studying was an emanation of Lord.
Final message from the Lodro’s trip is Lord Jampelying is residing everywhere in the minds of all being unless you seek with the power of devotion.
After watching the video, my Students were started to fall in love with the lord Jampelyang, their devotion and the faith are  rooted in their mindstream. May they become the Child of Lord!
To spell KA and KHA is big blessings in my learning world. Similarly, all the Bhutanese children did get the equal share of the blessings from the lord. Whatever achievements I have made so far shall be credited to the lord. 
Once again going back to the place where bell is ringing to sense the presence of lord and seeing the statue of Lord Jampelyang is a stock of blessing for my life.
From Lock and Key diary.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

My Word In Seeing The Truth:

Warning Sign on Electric Poles
Danger sign that we see on electric poles and machines doesn’t serve its purpose to Human. Instead danger sign has to be placed to few human beings who wear the mask in deceiving the self and people, harming the nature and leading the people wrongly. Electric poles never kill a man unless we mishandle it!
 What a shame if Bhutanese doesn’t know what is “THAADAMTSE and LAYJUMDRE” not simply put the theory to the outside world as ones identity.
This danger sign for man is needed in this period of time.  We don’t have time to investigate the corrupted man in the nation. We don’t have the lab to test the human beings. How harmonious it would be with others if we were made to wear it.
Societal problem arises because we don’t have such Warning Sign tag for us. We are well aware of the threat posed by the electric poles and the ATOM bomb; but man is found more dangerous than the poles and machines.

  The very goodness of human is run by the qualities like appreciations, trust and understanding, love,morality, respect but only rarity are found of valuing it.
Few man of ours need to be run by this danger sign name tags because human are so aggressive against nature. Throughout history, man has found the way to greater exploitation of the Mother Nature.  Trees, birds and animals must be scared to see you equipped with powered chain, giant excavator, and bomb to destroy them.
 Good Human doesn’t require the ratings and tags for identifications. They are known by actions and the way they deal the world.Few humans are real demon because they threat the whole universe with hatred, suspicion, injustice, dishonesty etc. 
I would ran manufacturing Company to produce the tag written as danger with crossed sign and let deserving ones wear the tag, so that other easily avoid them the moment you see with sign on their neck because you don’t go near electric poles to avoid the danger. This business will hit the market at this age.
If you are getting stumble in the fog of those dreadful diseases like, everyday wisdom of living will be lost gradually. More than the wrathful Guru Dorji Drolley and Denagchuk are not going to work beside the Educations. WARNING SIGN WILL.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

My Word In Seeing The Truth: The First Holy Drop Of RainGonpasingma received t...

My Word In Seeing The Truth: The First Holy Drop Of Rain Gonpasingma received t...: The First Holy Drop Of Rain Gonpasingma received the sacred drop from the heavenly downpours on 20th Febuary,Monday afternoon,meeting of ...

My Word In Seeing The Truth:

 Cheers’ is not in Bhutanese Drinking Culture
Disclaimer: I am neither a right person nor a social critic to write on Culture settings of ours. However, Culture is subjective and works on the relative level of individuals. I feel the need to write my little observation in the change of drinking habits over time. The little gesture of word “KUZUZANGPO LA” is enough to win the heart of foreigners, “CHEERS “is same with Bhutanese to them. Therefore, I wrote on behave of those who are likely to fall in the menace of recently picked up drinking Culture.
In the practice of promoting and reforming our culture, we Bhutanese have got a fair share to bark and spark the discussion whenever cultural aspects come into matters. Because we take too much pride in those practices and we have got preservative genes coming to cultural adoptions. That’s a Bhutanese way of doing!
Ironically, Bhutanese’s wants to regulate the rules on Tobacco consumption and accept drinking as big culture practices, besides knowing the pain of your liver and depreciating economy, still we want to get along  the habits.
Visiting Shops and Bar on free hours,  hearing the unheard voices that were floating inside alcoholic scented rooms ; words, laughter, quarrels taking roots from self-aggression to self-gratifyingly talk of the day among few heads and mouth . I visit to those bars besides risking myself to fall in prey of temptations. Or later I join them in the discussions.
Google image.

Many a times I have met an admirable drinker, and I don’t know how consciously they drink better than an act with liquor. I saw some really never know the origin of clinking cups, or know what really it is meant for. For few adore the acts than getting the real taste of the drink.
However, many like imitating the preliminary test of the drink “Cheers”. Before, knowing the stranger and become an abusive drinking friend in the area, the idea of cheers works a lot. So, stranger like joining the crowds accidentally. WOW! A cheer is must here! Later it is picked into habit to that of Pavlov‘s dog experiments, so conditioned to the sound and cups. This act has been so romantic and it’s robbing all the Bhutanese heart to drinking culture.
I was surprised to see my little brother who is just two year old wants to produce the “clinking” sound from the glass with his mother. He wanted to toss it and take a sip from the cup. It’s obvious that he picked from family drinking practices or from visiting to the Bars.
 In my experience of watching those drinking rituals, I haven’t seen my Grandfather “Clink” his cup with his Grandmother. Of course, I have seen as tradition embracing the practice of host always drinking a drop first to test the nature of the drink.
I don’t have to be judgmental in any case for the person who drinks, but the problem is with this theory of “Cheers” that is propagating among youth. Little sound from glass and word cheers doesn’t suits in front of innocent eyes.It is inviting our young heart to pick up the habits. The sound of the clinking cups, colorful liquid in a glass is so appealing to opt for liquid than a healthy food.
Now it’s a big question to those cultural sycophants that your timely bark is needed here to take notice of those small acts that are ridiculously practiced and promoted at homes, restaurants, social gatherings and Bars. Not only point your fingers to the way your son has brushed the hairs or painted eyes of your daughters. “Cheers” too doesn’t become an acceptable part of Bhutanese drinking habits.
This Small act of western origin is going to inherit the coming generations too.
If we really take the pride as a custodian of rich Cultures, is this act acceptable and doable in our cultural settings?
Finally if you feel that  “Cheers” is must in promoting your drinking habits and want to give this gift to younger generations of ours from you, the choice is yours!. Better, Chant long Marchang Prayer if you really want to bolster the blessings of your drinking rituals, it may be called as a true Drukpa’s way of drinking. So our youth may also get bored in reciting a long chants and give up the drinking Habit. And foreigner may also join you to sponsor you a drink.
Declarations: Never intent to demean anyone. “MY voice is my concern.”
From lock and key diary.