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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The First Holy Drop Of Rain
Gonpasingma received the sacred drop from the heavenly downpours on 20th Febuary,Monday afternoon,meeting of all the ausipiciousness to mark the Joyous occasion of The Birth Anniversary of 5th Druk Gyalpo Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk." MEWAANG CHOG KUTSE RINGWAA SHOO." I Offer my heartfelt Tashi Delek to the King,country and people in rededicating my service to the TSA-WAA-SUM.
Winter sun is closing its glory yet no snow on the faring distanced mountain tops. Only a bare winds blowing lonely in place,against the hope of timely rain could be felt.
The clouds were cursed for bringing only cold and not making rain in time.
On that day, waking up from the bed briskly and looking out through the window never promised my day to"A good day."
However,little rising and eyeing over the vast blue sky bestowed me glamour of hope for the day. The sky was completely dark.I could expect some rain in the later hours. In the meantime,my heart was desperately searching for heat because sun completely refused to smile for a while in the place.
A place like GONPASINGMA well known for" The drinking water shortage" is on maximum joy to receive the first drop of rain as great blessings.
A land where the main source of income for villagers were in the sale of potatoes, this sacred drop is a must to wake up the dormant seed in the fields.
The first downpour has been the blessing to water source, water tank,field,land and dying earth worm and plants.
If you happen to see the water tank in every house hold,it was on the point of collasping,for your surprise you will see no mosses or lichen unlike other water tanks.Pipe lines were just a bleak history that celebrates no success of its service to the people.
Forget about washing clothes,maintaining toilet or taking a regular baths were impossible when drop of water becomes like earning a the place. All most the very survival is dictated by this scarcity because People become unfriendly and unjust in the name of water distribution.
Government's project in outsourcing the plentiful drinking water supply called" KHOONMARI" remained as a distant dream for people. It has failed for many days. Of-course there was nationwide news on BBS informing the people that it has benefited the people of Zobel Geowog.
Many Staff who Gonpasingma school vicinity were adjusting time in carrying water from the school kitchen.Beside lesson planing and meeting the other school related works, carrying a Jerry Can or two can be seen regularly.
Perhaps, aforementioned lines can be treated as a part of struggle in Gonpa if you really like it to call.
Facing the drinking water shortage in a place is blessing in the disguise. The scarcity has resulted in treating the water as sacred in every drop. People never mistreat and misuse the water. They have realized the importance of water. Thus, I feel making of offerings in the shrine will equalize the worth of offering a gold for virtuous act.
Many would be sleeping in the early hours of the day but seeing my colleagues carrying the water filled Jerry can prick me the hard work of the day.The act substituted the morning exercise to control bulging stomach of-course its been a harsh for the farmers who toiled hard to meet the family needs.
I feel school technician(plumber) is in great relief in harvesting the rain. He struggles a lot in managing the water to students. His service exempted the students in carrying water to the school unlike the past students.
Many passed-out students from this school narrates the story of their pain in carrying 5litres Jerry Can as a school goers.
The first drop of rain is a wish-fulfilling Jewel to light the water shortage in the place.
On that day,Sun was into the making of rain and I sensed the Sky was Sunless. I Jokingly asked my friends to give back my sun. They laughed and said" Sun is resting for a while to let rain wet the land."From lock and key diary.

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