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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Nima kuendrel's :

My College life 
Now all most six months have been passed after getting passed out from college, appearing exam and joining the civil servants was like “History building in age” and everybody does this.  Considering a good time, counting the blessings in life, I would love to share it as the bedtime story. Often I passed through lots of tribulations in my flight against the mission of life but keeping earth as my confidence, I have moved in life not like others but in my own ways.
As if life is designed and decorated for the first and last chance, before the date of expiry endows, there is means  of putting the last chance as “Golden chance”. If I were asked to describe about college life I guess I have got lot more stories. Particularly, life in a college is sorted out and can be understood as best kind of life being put to test. It was a life that one enjoys the most or could be considered as the best part of life. I guess the decision is yours because in another side of the story one who roots from an average income family there is no way for them to the smiling story behind one's graduation.  
Some may consider that college life is the ground for the next phase of life. The time waits for us to contemplate on the marriage life or to start the self-earning living.
I remember the sensational poverty line passing through when I was sent to the school. When my friend was sent to the school I remained finding the longing joy with the cattle at home. Fortunately, I found way to school: a poor village boy made the journey of educations; but cattle were left uneducated!
In college days being punctual remained just as a discussed theory for me.  I remember fatefully failing to submit assignment on time or boiling myself in the last hour of exam preparations: but it had brought the lesson and it never eludes me in calling myself a teacher of self-potentiality. The degree of fears and horrifying memoirs still haunts my poor heart. However, there was pleasure in copy pasting and stealing the secret individual intellectuals like ideas, theories or pictures. Or we simply borrow the ideas and made sure they were consoled with the comforting words of simply stating that ideas were borrowed for for their next move or how to go about it. Only a little click of right hand could alter the hours and hours of work into a single turn of ownership. At last the best grade achievers were the last minute workers.
Reflecting on passing days from library room to the lecture theater, working in hour to hour, reading from single page to the final chapter of the library or reference book would make me short of time to catch other activities. From football ground to basketball court, given the choice, my class would call play field as PCD’s home ground.
Another side of the college life was learning well on managing the daily cyclical regularities. My friend Choki writes “life is all about adjustment” in these lines I see true wisdom of everyday living. Being in college does not go as poorer or smaller in portions instead it was pulled and pushed by the rippling effects of peer pressure.   But choice is yours how you go about in adjusting the life.  At one time, lots of pressure from girlfriend for not able to be on appointment time or friends asking to join their long planed ventures but it was now a buoyant memory.
Spiritual savor
One particular event still that was very remarkable was the meeting of the extraordinary master, Dilgo Yangsi Rimpochey. I have read about his previous reincarnation and it was such a moving experience to learn from him that he was same as the previous incarnation.
He was very kind enough to grant me the teachings on his mind treasure and LUNG on seven line prayers.  If I were asked to remember one particular incident I think being in the presence of Rinpochey was the extraordinary moment one in my life. When I look back to the conversation I had with him bring me the tears of joy. He advised me to take the pride of being Bhutanese and take the ownership of varjayana country. He said that the core principles of being Buddhist were ingrained in every Bhutanese Genes.  
During the annual Drupchens and other ceremony I used to visit and get the blessing from him. All the time Rinpochey would ask me “Are you fine?” I would say “yes la”.
Friendship of four and 4pcd
The silver lining of so called friendship and the meaning of friendship were learnt in those college days. My group was together in all times celebrating the success as well as failure in team. One thing that we as a group friend succeeded was uplifting the team spirits and promoting the language policy.  Our language was kept as English in daily conversations, if ones fail to abide by the policy, one has to take to college canteen for the treat without a single justification for breaching the law. There I had the good time and was belching occasionally because it was my idea behind this act but we can’t simply deny the undefeatable fun we get from it. Inside a class we sat together. The class participation was the most memorable among us because Cheki could execute her working strategy well, while I was reluctant in taking up the roles,:Penjor would be behind me when I was about to lose my debating points to the worthy opponents.  To the adjacent Kelzang would be gazing at the internal game we had set forth to play. She takes up her role as the moderator in every discussion with her wit.
As Sangay nurture the dreams of being a composer and the singer with the “Mejay Mejay serious” Drubjor makes the whole class laughable with his accurate imitations. Cool Bhadur smiling uncontrollably to everyone’s meeting was extraordinary. Kelzang Orongpa’s group was very sets of hardworking peoples; they stood as hardworking group, who had a better reputation in the class. While lazy groups of few could make out in the last hours of the due date assignments, there stood a good lesson for the class as a whole. In open class Lilly being the origins of western would sing his favourite Sharchop song “SHIN THIIN DENI THURLU RINCHODU”, all would find time to listen to him for an occasional jokes inside the classroom.
Meeting of karma sir
I met karma sir and it was worth meeting him in my life. I don’t know how we came to sharing of warm closeness, but seeing of this man was like finding some encyclopedic books in my life. He expounds from way of life to the wings of butterfly. Being in his presence was like knowing who we are and his modesty is the unusual gift for all of us. And this man has been my wings of inspiration in reading, writing and learning and arts of photography.
 Joy of an Adventuring
In every call on the Saturdays would be next plan to go for picnicking or trekking. The places are the part of learning. In every places there were lot more this for discovery. When we are able to be friend with different places we invigorate the souls, since the souls were put into sinking in bursting bank of materialistic world. We become down to earth because wild flowers, air and the bees were sorts of natural seeing every day that regulates it and let it forget the picture of your rooms where you see the refrigerator, or seeing of the shattering news of thousand death on television.  We never appreciate in everyday seeing, but by getting to the different places all the trails that human had trodden become the living truth for us.
My four years of stay was enriching and fruitful. I often visited Paro Kichu Lhakhang and Khyense Rinpoche’s Museum in Paro that was the most touching place that I love to visit again and again. For me the seed of spiritual journey was started on earth from those places.
  As I keep on ruminating to those by gone days, I find all the treasuring moments as fleeting moments that was afresh as morning dews. Perhaps, I feel life was, made there in college despite compromising certain shortcomings and understanding between the different aspects of life. For now,I find the timely solace from three idiot’s song “Give me some sunshine, give me some rain, and Give me another chance to grow up once again”.


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Who are you?
Does it happen to you? It is common among all of us to seek and save the identity at the highest or unique one.  To be well known and to be labeled as best we are becoming like a reckless driver and all the time driving  into the race of dissatisfaction rally. So, constantly we are searching for the pet, suffix, nickname or for the second name.
In my schooling days I remember one of my teachers telling that highest and lowest performer in the school were remembered most and recognized well. The mediocre one completes without noticing at all.  I do agree fully on this say.
Inside the classroom we see lots of dreamers- dreaming for various professions. It is good to be dreamers as said by all. Having asked who you are in my classroom, my children said they were good human beings, son or daughter to their parents, thinkers, actors and many more to say at a times.
Usually we keep on idolizing the people of kinds and we become easily coping their actions and characters. The point is throughout our life we were lost in trying to copy others and defining our own identity. I heard many telling “Today onward, call me boss, or jigs, or Bakham”.
However, there is always a pleasure in seeking differing names among jobs, friends, family and organization because it levels us unique among all.
 There were so many naming like pet, nick or spiritual name. Among all the pet name holds the higher position because one is known through how prominently used in the calling and referring someone.
Whatever we are looking for the reason is for defining the self. It is within the concept of understanding who we are and who I am.
Until I hear such phrases uttering, I will still keep my sigh here to seek the joy of writing. And I will keep this trend for you to weigh the pros and cons of its implications in our society.

From lock and key diaries