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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Staring Rabbit : Seeing DJK-in Second

Staring Rabbit : Seeing DJK-in Second:   A figure like DJK is matchless being ever walked on this Earth, propounding the message of Buddha. Throughout year after year, reading his...

Seeing DJK-in Second

 A figure like DJK is matchless being ever walked on this Earth, propounding the message of Buddha. Throughout year after year, reading his books and watching videos, I may claim, that he has been an icon of inspiration to my everyday life.

For many years, I have been longing to see him, not for spirituality or creativity, but to see the greater being like him with my naked eyes.

After decades of living and breathing, my interest of seeing him, never wane, but simply yearning more and more to see him.

I remember seeing him once in Pemagatshel NangkorCS, presiding over the Lung for students on Manjusheri Visualization. Since then, he was a forgotten heroes to us.

I feel strong bond with Rinpochey, as I was growing at my Village, Rinpochey with Sakya head, looking like a flower. It was inside a room, and everday,I could see the image,ofcourse, I didn’t know who he was, what he was, simply grown up in that small helmet called Gamung. And after thirty years of leaving from home,today I still long to see that portrait and could not be seen during my occasional visit to my grandparents.

This image of Khetse Rinpochey can be seen at my grandparents home

After more than a decade, I was lost to my own pursuit of life and never had a chance to see Rinpochey.Longing days after days, Rinpochey was scheduled to reach Deawthang Shedra on start of June, and with demanding hardwork with profession, I couldn’t make to Dewathang for Wang. How sad I was to realize that I lack so called merit in life. On one Sunday, I planned to reach but couldnot go, the bad weather and the widening road stop me to plan my tavel.

Internally, I planned to reach Thselingor Gate, while Rinpochey head to Bartsam Chador Lhakhang. On 6th July, Rinpochey was heading to Bartsam and waited for the day to come. I took a courage to request Principal for day and shared my plan to see Rinpochey. Easily, principal granted us a   leave and encouraged others too to see Rinpochey.

The permission to go and see Rinpochey on his way to Tsheligor Gate, brought an unforgettable pleasure in my life. But now, I was asked to coordinate the team to reach Tsheligor for Chawang. I followed the Facebook page of Dewathang Shedra, and managed to get a Contact No. of Lama Sonam, who is very humble and down to earth. I called him asking for a Rinpochey timing to reach Bartsam and for necessary preparation.

He recommended me to keep it simple, simply lining up with burning pine leaves and cypress leave along the Tshelinggor Gate. We didn’t prepare much, took few incense, match stick and kerosene to light a fire.

Lined up to see Rimpochey on way to Bartsam

It was a great moment in my life to reflect,plan and  organize the team to wait and see Rinpochey at Tsheliggor Gate, junction that dissect S/jongkha,Pema gatshel.

We couldn’t do anything to Rinpohey than to ask for his blessings in many forms. Around fifty people, waiting for Rinpoche and after our arrival at the point, called Narphung shopkeeper to check nearing of Rinpochey, we could lit sang in few Minutes and got into the lines. Many cars were plying to Bartsam to attend the Wang.

In few minutes we could mobilize an amount around Eighteen Thousand and packed in envelop for offer to Rinpochey.

It was a cloudy,and every car made us to check whether it was Rinpochey or not, in few minutes Rinpoche’s car came and Rinpochey said, “Keep yourself good and healthy”. The Kindness of Rinpochey is vast as sky and knew what the beings like us expected from him.

In a second, I shouted to Rinpochey for autograph on books written by him. I carried four books authored by him and presented to him with new pen, Rinpochey ordered his driver to stop car for a while and started signing on the books. After signing on two books, Rinpochey said, “Pecha Lok ni ra choncha ofay la ko nan,” in a state of joy, I said, yes I do read few books la.

Glimpse of Rinpochey Autographing on Books written by him for me

Many people were staring at us and in a second Principal managed to offer cash collected from staff and people present on the spot to Rimpochey but it denied by Rinpochy and incessantly offered to Rinpoche’s personal assistance to reach Rinpochey.

After far-sighting Rinpochey, we headed back and stopped near Rashuri, way to Youngla junction.There we all sat for a tea and lunch and shared the time, all were happy for the day and reached safely to home.

That moment was just a second and it was most beautiful moment in life. Temporary moments are precious! I shall treasure it till I take last breath. We just lined up near Tshlingor Gate, just to see the smiling face of Rinpochey, not for Chawang or for Changyel, so simply thinking of that moment, it was a big day to the staff of GlSS and people around.