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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Remembering Sogyal Rimpochey

Sogyal Rimpochey
What can I say on Sogyal Rimpochey's passing when whole world is in a state of mourning? Yet few are still battling the curse of sex scandal and blaming the religion as cult. 
looks like me image
However, person like me is neither the promoter of Rimpochey nor the supporter of what others say. But I have a deep devotion and respect for Rimpochey as teacher of Buddhism.

Today after a week long passing away of Rimpochey, I am reflecting on the lagacy he left to this world.
Many admired the works and teachings he left to the world. 
As per as my understanding, I am considering Rimpochey as Buddha of our time. He had touched many lives out of his book on Tibetan book of living and dying.
By making himself available for various public forums, dialogue and talk, Rimpochey has reached the message of finding enlightenment to all the beings.
In 2011, I had a good fortune of meeting him and received his teachings on meditation at YDF hall in Thimphu. He also visited Paro college of Education and taught to the students and gifted us with Looks like image of Guru Rimpochey.
Personally, Rimpochey had a big impact on me in ripening the spiritual in-depth and understanding the real essence of Buddhist practice.
I have collected all the online teachings and regularly I watched the teachings and the chants of Rimpochey. I was inspired to listen agaibn and again on various chants and prayers.
I read his Book. Tibtean book of living and Dying for the last Five consecutive years and reflected upon it as my daily integration on works and careers.
During Tendri Nysel Wang at Thimphu YDF
Reading Tibetan book of living and dying is like the meeting master like Dudjom Rimpochey and Dilgo Khentse Rimpochey because all the written teachings are the words of those great beings. This book was an experiential teachings of Sogyal Rimpochey taught in various discourse in the west. All could find the love of life out of this teaching. what I love the most about this book is the simple stories and the simple language was the most impressive beauty of the book. 
Sadly,after surviving and battling against the cancer, Rimpochey was kind enough to share is health status and prayer with us.
His era of bringing Buddhism to foreign land marks the ending age like of Chogyam Trungpa Rimpochey. Who sacrificed the world in being a messenger of Buddha in spreading the Buddhism.
I still find some reasons to mourn over Rimpochey's passing. He was also one of the instrumental in translating the teachings of great masters like Dudjom Rimpochey and Dilgo khentse Rimpochey.
He received many teachings and initiations from great masters and carries the lineage blessings . He served the great sage of the last 20th century masters and helped in spreading the Buddhas words to the world.
Rimpochey also coordinated in building a new temple in southern France. This temple is serving as an institution of love and religion harmony of the world. Many masters come and teach here.
 Again ,We cant forget himself as the truelku of Larab Lingpa  identified by Khentse Choki lodre. Who was like his father who taught him everything about life.
He has opened the eyes to the world of Dzogpachenpo. He himself was the servant of Dzongchen messenger, who revealed to the world that we are all Buddha.
Finally, as I am ending here with a prayer that may the blessings of Guru Rimpochey and Tsai wai lama, May we see the Yangsi of Rimpochey.
lowest student of Rimpochey