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Friday, May 24, 2019

HPE Training reflection

Note:  My reflection as participant impression
Reflection on HPE


Chief GSD, DYS

Chief Education Office, Pemagatshel

Sr. Program Officer

Principal, PMSS

 Dated: 17th to 20th May

Well, it’s been a humbling pleasure for me to share few words on this happy ending for week long training on HPE orientation. Thanks to my circles of training mates for letting me to speak on your behave.

In a move to ensure a uniform and effective implementation of Health and physical education (HPE) in all lower primary classes, 18 instructors of us attended a week-long orientation program   here at Pemagatshel school.

As we are aware of the objectives of the orientation program is to revive and strengthen the glory of health and physical education in the school.

One of the participants, Tashi Gyeltshen of Khangma primary school, said that until now HPE classes did not receive attention because of lack of clear guidelines on how to conduct such classes.

The HPE classes are mandated to conduct atleast once a week remained inactive in school because it was not treated as important as academic curriculum. Now with this workshop, it has been a timely rainfall to nurture the seed of HPE smiles in the school.

For three days we were familiarized on revised activity book from classes PP to three. It has lots of meaningful activities to keep primary students engaged.

 “I am excited to teach the children back at school.” Kelang said. one of the active participants.

Going back to the story of the past, HPE classes in the school remained idle without an instructor because the instructors would be teacher of other academic subjects or no trained instructors were the reason of excuses in the schools.

Having attended this orientation and familiarization of the various activities- we leant that HPE has major role in bringing up the overall development of the children, shaping the mind, intervening the psycho-motor skills and teaching the values from the activity. All of the participants, promised to convince our teachers that HPE is not only a play but teaching of life long lessons to the children that they learn how to survive with good practices like a daily exercise and teaching a habit of drinking water.

In changing life styles ours- we eat big size of the cheese and do less excise. Our eating habits has changed from organic to inorganic, we eat what is available in the market and  it has caused serious health problem to many- HPE workshop is going to make aware of the food we eat, the importance of the exercise and nurturing the  healthy mind for learning. It is also going to show way forward in nurturing ones passion for games and sports and dreams for living and earning.

We are touched and inspired by teachings of the two resource persons here. Their spark of inspiration was exceptional and everyone here is taking a good amount of energy to share in the schools. All of the participants shared a common understanding that we are going to fulfill the expectation of all.

The practical sessions on micro teaching seems a version of army training for the first day, listening to the long instructions and hearing the timely whistle brought kind of uneasyness in a hot burning sun- but suddenly on second day of teachings -some kind of electrified energy took place in all the participants and had fun-unlike other workshop, if I have to remember the most challenging and interesting workshop, I feel this workshop answers all.  It was interactive, enriching and all the targeted teachings were on experiential level.

We got the skills- the skills to plan and integrate the HPE lessons with the music, arts, dance and locally available materials, those skills were impressive, simple and effective.  I am attending this kind of workshop for the second time, while learning from the first workshop, it didn’t chase away my lazy brain and bone but now I am ready to teach in the school with my heart- it has helped me to induce my creative energy.

From this work shop we are taking the energy of- love. Energy of passion- endurance, energy of self-dignity as competent HPE teachers.  I hope all would take the HPE teaching and learning process in the heart and bring a smile in the life of a stressful children.

 Finally, it was a happy holiday for all of us here. We ate enough-. We forgot the worries of the school.We had enough fun and learnt many. 
