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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Flying to the land of Enlightenment- Bodh Gaya

Flying dream

Flying is a dream in making for all. Yet the inspiration came before science could challenge the world with proof and experiments, Buddhist ideas of flying dates back to the origin of martial arts and meditations. Many like Mila Repa attained the siddhas and flew from place to place.
Churning excitement infringement
 Hearing the upon the legendary story of Guru Rimpochey flying at the back of a tigress from Singye Dzong to Paro Taktsang and Kekharathoe sending into exile from Tibet to Khenpajong in wooden crafted aeroplane in 7th century-makes me to think of Guru Rimpochey's blessings throughout centuries.
  Glimpsing Paro Taktsang cliff from the plane window was breathtaking- bringing some urgency for waking up call for life.
Flying is fun as the creativity and imagination has played the wonders for human from flying like a bird and swimming  like  a fish.
It was a deep touching moment of life to see my old souls being seated for second time. It brought me the tear of joy to see the old feets stepping on the wings of Druk air.
Delightfully a time came for the departing Dragon from Bhutann in a few minutes.
An old faces- readying to fly
A kind of celebrating the meeting of son and a mother in same seat.
Inside a flight, beautiful airhosters with smiles and native Bhutanese music for ears- viewing the snow capped mountains flying was like meditating in action.
Reading a Trashi Delek magazine and chewing snacks was the most fulfilling dream for me as lover of reader.
 Many passengers from differnt walks of life- monks and lama chanting. Surprise meeting of old friends bring big smiles and some are in good sleep.
Having landed at Gaya Airport, the passenger's sense of quickening to the entrance of an immigration office and lagguage collecting was an instant act.
After waiting for more than half an hour, I went in search of my lagguge and found one packed box was missing. Immediately asked for the official to fix the lost lagguge. It was found in awhile.
The half of the job was already done by  cousin Lama Jamyang booking air tickets, arranging rooms, reserving Taxi and buying a SIM card for me.
 Safely my team was dropped at the spot of Buddha's land in the middle of day getting the sickening experience in town.
Mouthing Indian tongue was challenging and I wished for watching Hindi cartoons in childhood days.
Funny at the same time and some embarrassing incident strike me like others to remember the day. knocking and entering to another room. I tired unlocking others room using a key which was my ignorant acts.( I forgot the room no. But in a key numbering was wrongly mentioned.
On second day, we had the good fortune of receiving the Blessings from Minling Khenchen, Gyangkhang Rimpochey, Garab Rimpochey and Muksang Rimpochey. They were presiding over  the last day of 30 th Annual Moenlam Chennmo.
On third day-I consider the prigilimage with my grandfather was most rejoicing movement of my life- grandfather promised to say sorry to himself for being an active smoker. And reduce the drinking habits.( his daily subsituated drink includes juice, water and  Indian masala tea)
On same day we chanced the nearby scared sites visit and it was a great blessings of the lord Buddha that my grandfather was spritually transforming- seeing his  eyes closed and  bowing withfolded hands and chanting the mantra in decreasing breath.
 The pleasure of flying with my Grandparents to the heart land of Buddha's Enlightenment was  like family trip to 'the land of Buddhas' to what Englighment means to individuals understanding.
By the Blessings of Guru Rimpochey, lama Rimpochey ,parents, relatives- I have felt the blessings of the Lord Buddha and seen his enlightening activities as vast as sky and deep as oceans.  Sadly, to my eyeing beggars, I couldn't offer anything then a gesture of love and smile- but they were never away from my prayers for the cause of their Enlightenment!
Returning flight was a big blessings for my team-got blessings from Younphu la Rimpochey and Nyoshoel Yangsi.
My inspiring prayers to all my sentient beings are may they attain Buddhahood under buddhas wisdom and kindness.
This time flying was a most fulfilling as it was a total cause for spritual undertaking and experimenting the truth of sufferings and enlightening deeds of Buddha.


  1. Wonderful write up Nima. The experiences you shared with grandparents, guiding them to pilgrimage to the holiest place of earth are so touching and exemplary for many of us.

    Your every rational thoughts which when put in words makes me so motivated to write too. Hope you write more.

    Fantastic piece.

  2. Wonderful write up Nima. The experiences you shared with grandparents, guiding them to pilgrimage to the holiest place of earth are so touching and exemplary for many of us.

    Your every rational thoughts which when put in words makes me so motivated to write too. Hope you write more.

    Fantastic piece.

    Pema Wangchuk PWK

  3. Thanks to your comments! I am happy that we share a common concepts like dualistic view, a non-dualistic, real and not real, and I respect your idea of god's creations! I am a Buddhist who is bound by four seals of Buddhism. And I heard that all religion promotes the peace and harmony.
