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Friday, November 25, 2016

 Traveling experience in Border roads
Traveling is a great experience for all of us. A reason why traveling is must means there is learning on life, culture and traditions, at the same time it is a big fun. But all the time traveling experience doesn’t become a worthy of remembrance.
If you happen to travel from Samdrup Jonkhar crossing two boarders of Assam and Bengal to reach Phuntsholing or vice versa, it’s going to be different experience for you.
The moment you enter the Samdrup Jonkhar exit gate to Phuntsholing entrance gate, the  fears will struck you down to enjoy the various beautiful scenes and living pictures of sub Indian ways; if you are not with an experienced traveler or the driver.
Being from the far flung village of east, there is no excuse for person like me to avoid the border journey.
Ask few people, they have got lot more stories to share the story of being raided or met accident in foreign land. There is no ways than to risk the life. Many lost and sacrificed their lives and properties.
Speed is a problem. But can’t leave it away from it, despite the fact a traveler has to cover a longer distance. Many scenes like scattering of the stray hens stay dogs, stray goats, and stray villagers or blowing away of the bicycle are common sight in the Indian high way express. At least one accident scene is never missed along the meandering roads.
Who knows you may be the next in list to happen, if you were not aware of it?
I remember traveling once in a taxi from Samdrup Jongkhar to Phuntshpling. I woke up from my bed early as my alarm could ring. I prepared for the next six to seven hours journey. At the back of mind, I had the weird thought that I may not meet the accident on the way. So I did the morning chants and the prayer to keep such wild thoughts at ease. 
We started the journey around 5; 30 am. It was a drowsy drive, because of the late sleep after watching the various programs on geography channel inside the room. My driver was driving recklessly at few points. He never stopped for a while to give way to the cyclist or encountering oxen cart trying to cross the road.
On that day weather doesn’t favored us because it was raining heavily and all the foggy distance added our struggle. 
Unfortunately, the fog light was running out of conditions. Reaching somewhere in the heart of the Assam, my driver hit another car while losing control in slowing down the car to cross the speed breaker. I was sitting in a front seat and my knee had sandwiched the desk port of the car. My head hit the front glass and broken into few pieces and it was looking like the spider web in the front mirror.
Looking at my condition I was fine but the condition of the vehicle was horrible. To my driver’s surprise, colleen box was damaged badly and car failed to run smoothly. After sometimes, it stopped running. So, my poor driver got out and opened the bonnet, he checked the internal apart of the vehicle and spotted the lineage.
It was a bad luck for me and my friend because we are forced to pay some amounts in one of the car workshop on driver’s name.
On the other hand, one who was the victim of my driver was so furious and shouted to us “Are you trying to kill us” but my driver was speechless. Finally they settled the case and luckily their vehicle was running in good conditions.
 After the accident, I had many turbulent emotions overpowering me time and again; I regretted siting up in the front seat. On that day there was no charm in taking up the front seat. Countless vehicles coming from distance click my adrenaline awake.
Our journey took a sudden turn when my driver had taken a wrong route to reach P/ling. Another fearful story started to pick up when we have taken the road leading to Gomtu. We covered 15 km away from the main route when few Bhutanese truckers could direct us back to the main route.
Finally, I could make to Phuntsholing but it wasn’t a journey worth traveling. Any way thanks driver for safely reaching us to Phuntsholing entrance gate.
                To all Assami and Bengali people, Thanks for letting us to travel:
                                Thanks for the Indo Bhutanese’s friendship!
Note: If there were large number of travelers in the areas, aforementioned incidents are likely to happen. If you were not conscious of the time, travelers, vehicles and the driver, the way Indian treat the traveler will be different for all the time, you may get leftover foods that were served to the fellow travelers in restaurant, or become the complete victim of the angered Villagers. Please keep yourself in full awareness when you travel in border areas! May this article will serve as a constant reminder to you.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Nima kuendrel's : <!--[if !mso]>v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}o\...

Nima kuendrel's : <!--[if !mso]>v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}o\...: Learn To Be Like Karma Sir  Rationale: Sometimes, it’s wonderful to reflect on what you have been doing and what you have done ...

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Learn To Be Like Karma Sir

 Rationale: Sometimes, it’s wonderful to reflect on what you have been doing and what you have done so far. Believing in the words and actions of him, would give you a strength to move ahead in your life. Despite my several attempts to keep him connected, I failed it completely!.  For now, with modern miracle of connecting people, I guess this would bridge the gap between a teacher and follower. Therefore,I would like to write and take you through the world of Mr. Karma Wangchuk. I hope you may find something inspiring.
 I have known him for just two years, and in this little time together I have known him as a man of modesty. Really he is the subject of interest to me, and you too may find him as a person of your kind if you encounter him.
Photo courtesy (TsheringP) near Gyemjangkhu temple, Paro.
 I am scare sometimes that I may write wrong about him with my limited perception. However he never gets moved by either by praises or defamation. Therefore, neither do I  expect anything from him nor would he consider this piece as my jumbling of ideas.
Of course, many may not know about him. He is just an ordinary man with good looking figure. He rarely smiles and never wrong him as being too serious.But in this ordinary man I have discovered 'extraordinary offerings' and 'wealth.'  This ordinary man is a shining icon of literature and arts.  
If you happen to be at Paro College, you may rarely notice his presence. He would be wearing faded clothes or walking lonely sometimes in great thinking.
He would be the early bird to catch up the morning glory. Mornings are special to him for he could see a bird or two. Every night, a poem is drafted and on the next day he would polish the poem. A chronic stomach ache bothers him, but he occasionally chants the mantra OM MANI PADMI HUNG to ease the situation.
(Following are the reasons why "What makes him so unique?")
Every society expects a man to get married, have children and happily settle down in life, but he is far removed from any of these. Rather he has found the lifelong desires to spent his life in most unique living.

I always appreciate him for the vast expanse of knowledge he possesses on everyday subject matters.  When you ask him about the books that he has read so far he will just smile without any straight answers. For us number matters but for him, the contents and the words matter. Talking about likes and dislikes on books, he lays his hands on almost all kinds of books. He read an abridged English version of 'The Mahabharata' and other books of adventure during his school days. Nature and spirituality are other areas of his interest.  Surprisingly, it seems that for him the ideas are within a blink of eyes..
Language is a problem for all of us. He suggested to me that I should read on the subject that interests me, and also immerse in some classical books once in a while.
Photo credit (I) Reading completes the story of the day for him, near college.
He is an active writer too. He writes  very powerful poems and meaningful articles to suit the readers. He has many self-created arts and books ready for publication. Here, I will share his letter to my class six students. Dated: September 12th, 2016,

                                                                                                     September 12th, 2016

Dear Sonam,
  I hope you are doing fine.  Everything is good here with me.
           I want to say again that school is a wonderful place to be in. You are surrounded by friends who share your time being together and teachers who guide you throughout. The school offers you many beautiful gifts. One special gift is the joy of reading. I hope you have found this gift in the school. When you come home this winter I would love to hear your story of reading.
That is it for now. Your brother sends you his love.
With love,
Your dad Dorji

Note: I requested him to write a letter to my class six students. And they were happy to read and they have written a reply to him.
(Arts and music as an integral part of his being)
 In college, he is known as Drama Wangchuk to his colleagues and the student teachers. He engages students in drama workshops and role play, and enables them to realize the benefits of drama in both personal and professional life. Shakespeare is his most favorite playwright.
He is a self-taught, passionate and practicing artist.  He is also a food geek and a great cook. Everyday work is fun for him because creativity pays off.
Photo credit(Nima) Trying out to see the magic of brushes and colors.
He has visited many wild places in Bhutan and a few in India. He knows the names of most birds and butterflies. He loves snakes too. He is quite a skillful photographer. He loves plants, and for a plant lover like him cutting down trees is unthinkable.
Photo credit( Ni ma). Looking for the long lost Birds and Butterflies in Lampelri.
( Teacher of wealth and wisdom)
He is a firm believer in the power of silence. Being silent enables him to create a space for contemplation and self-reflection. He doesn’t talk much, but given a situation he can speak in some Bhutanese dialects.
If you happen to visit his home, you will be surprised to see that he doesn’t own a refrigerator or sofa set, of course affordable to somebody of his stature. His life is so simple and yet  so unique. He is happy with what he has.  I consider him as the figure of all contentment because I see him leading a happy life.
Photo credit (Nima) At lamperi Botanical Park.
To sum up, this is a story of man, who is taking the life in its own flow. It is about a man who sings the freedom song like the enlighten beings. For me, it was worth meeting him in my life. I don’t know how we came to sharing of such warm closeness, but meeting him was like finding some encyclopedic books.Being in his presence was like knowing who we are and his modesty is the unusual gift for all of us. And this man has been my wings of inspiration in reading, writing and learning the art of photography. 
 Until further, I write about him, he shall remain as complete mystery to man!
Disclaimer: It's intended for my literary exploration and experiment.

Encouraging Note from Karma sir.HATS OFF! You took the challenge to write something in an age where fewer people opt to keep this dream alive. Any obstacle that you may encounter henceforth should not deter you from writing, for it will only get better with more practice. 
After reading:I am amazed that you chose to write about me. It is a good move in the direction of becoming a writer of some kind. I am sure with rigorous practice your ideas will flow more smoothly and crystallize better. Keep writing!